Tuesday, April 17, 2007

I DO love my children I DO love my children

It's been one of those days...

Katie and I have been battling about her hair for the last year and a half; she adamantly refusing to have it cut, me threatening to hack it all off every time I have to comb it. It now reaches just about to her waist which is ridiculous on a four year old. So today she decides that it would be nicer shorter and starts cutting it herself... Part of me is shouting 'Yippee! Get rid of it ALL!', part of me is shrieking 'Aaaah - step away from the scissors now!' and the rest of me is rolling on the floor laughing because she looks so funny :-) I am not cruel enough to provide a photo.

As for the smallest one...

She decided to do a spot of redecorating in the kitchen with a permanent marker.

I'm opening the gin...

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