On Tuesday the little darlings (including one extra 4 year old):
- Got the collage material box off the shelf I thought they couldn't reach and made a 'magic garden' of sequins, glitter, felt shapes, etc, all over the dining room floor. Easy to sweep up but they...
- Poured water all over the 'magic garden' TM so that they could play mermaids. Then while I was cleaning that up they
- Crumbled a polystyrene box (also from a shelf I thought they couldn't reach) all over their bedroom carpet to make snow (as you do), and while I was cleaning that up they
- Got the rack of cooling cupcakes intended for Jess's birthday off the bench and covered the kitchen floor in crumbs and cupcake wrappers, and while I was cleaning that up, they
- Found a pot of barrier cream and painted Jessie head to toe. You know that stuff really is water resistant.
Jess on her own, and all on the same day mind you:
- Pulled out the kitchen drawers and climbed up them until she could stand on the kitchen bench and reach the really high shelf where we keep all the fun poisonous and deadly things, then proceeded to spray Katie in the face with shower cleaner (first time it's been used this year)
- Spent a lovely quiet (always a danger sign) quarter of an hour in the bathroom, dunking toilet paper in the toilet and eating it (I swear she's not mine!)
- Emptied every plant pot on the back deck onto the back deck, then made mud pies with potting mix and bubble mixture (and probably shower cleaner and toilet paper for all I know).
And all of this happened while I was trying to get the house looking nice for Jess's birthday tea on Wednesday.
Anyway, I didn't kill them, which is probably a good thing, and Jess had a very nice birthday, and no-one was rude enough to point out the sequins I'd missed or the fact that Jess still had barrier cream in her hair.
Not a lot of knitting has been done.
Ooooh, but I'm all excited... look to the right and you'll see a nifty little percent bar that shows how far I've got on the green lacy jersey (which I've called Spring Leaf because I am tired and uninspired and totally devoid of creative or original thought). Isn't it cool! God I love doodads and nicknackery like that :) It's from Yarn Tomato and it was really easy! Go get one!
And... I thought I'd freaked out badly when someone left a comment a while ago (Who are you? Why did you do that? Why are you reading this? Go away and read Yarn Harlot or Crazy Aunt Laurie or any real blog!) but I just discovered that Andi at Knitstant Gratification has put a link to here on her blog (which is a wonderful blog - go read it). You know, I have started diaries thirty seven million times in my life, and never lasted more than a week or two. The only thing that keeps you writing a blog is the thought that someone might be reading it - but when you realise that someone is reading it it's very disconcerting. In a good way. Possibly. All very strange, and I have more sequins to chase...
1 comment:
You know, I look at your blog every few days, and I only just noticed the last paragraph of this today! Thanks for liking my blog :) Clearly I like yours as well! I remember being very excited and freaked out at the same time when I first got comments. I thought, "Wow, someone was motivated enough by what I read to respond!" Then I felt like I was being stalked or something! I've gotten used to it though.
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