Saturday, June 03, 2006

Works in progress

So now the thneed is done I can continue with my other projects. I'm halfway up the front of the bright pink sweater - the first time I've tried to knit a raglan sleeve sweater so we'll see if my poor grasp of maths lets me down again! I'm also knitting a hat for the small one - it's turned really cold here and she's still refusing to grow hair so a wooly hat is becoming urgent. Also knitting a revolting scarf in revolting novelty wool... I tend to buy odd balls of bizarre wool with no clear idea of what to do with them - this time the three year old asked for a scarf so off we go! It'll be interesting, not least because my partner keeps picking it up and knitting a few rows and we tend to have quite different tensions...
What I should be doing is finishing the sewing up of a sweater I knitted for a friend's two year old. I finished the knitting for her birthday (April 27th) but I put off the sewing because there were so many loose ends to weave in that it made me come over all faint. Then when I finally steeled myself to get on with it I sewed one arm in back to front and now I have to unpick it and start again. This is what sleep deprivation does to you!

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