Sunday, March 25, 2007

Nine months between posts! Well, it's a good job nobody much reads this!

There are reasons for my absence... a couple of weeks after my last post my mother had a totally unexpected stroke and nearly died. She is now, thank god, almost back to her old self and doesn't seem to have sustained any major lasting damage. But it was a horrible time - especially the first few months. Because she is such an amazing woman, she has friends (and family) all over the world - all of whom were wanting constant updates on her health and progress. So we discovered yet another use for a blog! I don't know what we all did without the internet. I set up a blog and my sisters and I constantly updated it so that everyone could keep up with Annie's progress. It was fantastic, and something I 'd really recommend to anyone in similar circumstances. So this blog slid while we worked on that one...

By the time Annie was well enough for me to think about knitting or blogging, Jessie had learnt to climb onto the sofa - which put paid to knitting for a good few months - very hard to concentrate on knitting when an eighteen-month old has firm hold of one end of a needle, or is seeing how many rooms she can stretch a ball of yarn through. And then of course it was summer and who wants to knit when it's 30 degrees.

But by February, although it was still hot, Jessie had learnt that No means No (to an extent, my she's a stroppy little thing!) and I managed to finish off the rainbow striped cardigan I was knitting back in June. All those loose ends! There were fourteen stripes on the back, two fronts and two sleeves, and they all had two ends to weave in. Never again!

There are no photos. Maybe once I've ripped out and reknitted the collar and button bands... and first I should probably learn how a collar should work...

Anyway, it may all have gone horribly wrong but it got me knitting again! :-)

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